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About the program

Personal PR training

Whether you're aiming for a promotion, seeking a new job, or building buzz around your next venture, we recognise the importance of a solid personal brand. We guide you through an 8-week sprint to polish your story, bio, and selling proposition. This comprehensive program will teach you how to expand your executive presence and how to apply PR to boost your career. 

Best suited for

Driven executives

Our services are perfect for individuals looking to raise their profile and impact in their industry without (yet) setting out on their own independent venture. Our price point makes it an easy sell - whether to your management as a corporate expense or to yourself as a worthwhile investment.

Amplify_PR you can do
Personalised training

PR you can do

Beyond initial brand-building, we equip you with the tools and knowledge to manage your PR effectively. We empower you with the skills to navigate the public relations landscape confidently, ensuring you can continually build and maintain a strong, positive personal brand long after our intensive sprint. 


Supercharge your career

Sign up for your personal PR sprint now.