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Programmes Crafting Your Sell

Looking for help with a project or press release? Visit our project services page here to book our PR advisory today - no recurring contracts, no stress.

What We Do

Maneuvre is PR with ROI.

PR support can cost far too much, especially if it doesn't align with where you need to go.
We deliver ROI in 3 ways: Our economical rates, our dedicated focus on revenue-driving opportunities, and our commitment to sharing assets, training and processes that you can use forever.


What Maneuvre delivers

Our approach is proven to cost less while delivering more.

Here's a small selection of the wins we've secured for our visionary founders and companies.
  • Fast Company World Changing Ideas
  • Innovate Finance Women in Fintech Powerlist
  • Sifted
  • 14
  • 13
  • Bloomberg New Economy Catalysts
  • CoinDesk
  • TechCrunch
  • VentureBeat

What's your vision?

Let's talk about how smart PR can get you there.